UESB 2018


Contrary to the theories of the low-carb/no carb
manifesto, Dr. Atkins’ Diet Revolution, first published
in 1972 (and the similar books that followed), there’s
nothing inherently fattening about carbohydrates, says
[5] Jean Harvey-Berino, co-author of The EatingWell Diet.
“It’s eating too many calories, period, that makes you
There’s no question that loading up on sugary and
refined-carbohydrate-rich foods, such as white bread,
[10] pasta and doughnuts, can raise your risk of developing
health problems like heart disease and diabetes. But if
you cut out so-called “good-carb” foods, such as whole
grains, beans, fruits and vegetables, you’re missing
out on your body’s main source of fuel as well as vital
[15] nutrients and fiber. What’s more, for many people, a
low-carb diet may be harder to stick with in the long run.
When a handful of major studies recently compared
low-carb diets with low-fat diets and other approaches
to losing weight, notes Harvey-Berino, they found that in
[20] the first few months, those following the low-carb diets
tended to lose slightly more weight. “That’s because low-

carb diets are more restrictive,” she explains. “Anything
that limits your choices will help you lose weight initially.”
But after a year or as much as three years, weight-loss
[25] differences between the diets tend to even out. One
recent report noted that although there was a greater
weight loss initially, low-carb dieters tended to regain
more weight by the end of three years when compared
with low-fat dieters.
[30] But Harvey-Berino acknowledges that low-carb
eating can help many people manage their weight —
especially if you’re “one of those people who have a
hard time staying in control when you eat carbohydrate-

rich foods.” No matter how you slice it, the best diet is
[35] one you can stick to, she adds. “If you can stick with an
Atkins-like regimen, then go for it.”

CONTRARY to the...Disponível em: www.eatingwell.com/artic le/16296/the-13-biggest-nutrition-and-food-myths-busted/. Acesso em: 11 jan. 2018. Adaptado.

“you’re missing out on your body’s main source of fuel” (l. 13-14).

The suitable definition for the phrasal verb miss out on as used in this sentence is


fail to catch.


feel the loss of


fail to benefit from.


gain a chance for.


seem to misunderstand.

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