USF 2012/2

‘Push to Add Drama’: TNT Advert Becomes the Second Most-Shared of All Time [Video]

NEW YORK | Monday, April 16th, 2012 4:40pm EDT

By Anastasiya Vanyukevich

The ad, based on Unmanageable, a relevant video research firm, has become the second most-shared ever. The video, which debuted on April 11, continues to be shared 3 million occasions.

TNT’s ad’s only rival, which still holds the top place, is “The Pressure,” this year’s Super Bowl ad from Volkswagen. The video has received nearly 10 million views in its first two days, and has doubled to over 21 million in five days – claims the data on the official YouTube page.

In this advertisement for TNT, several people in a town in Belgium walk by the tempting display, but only a handful of brave souls take on the challenge. When the button is finally pushed, what follows is something – or perhaps, everything – straight out of a television drama: ambulances wail; guns fire; burly men fight; a lady in a bikini speeds off on a motorcycle

As The Huff Post writes, participants look around, stunned, as the drama unfolds before their eyes. One woman even covers her ears as bullets zip through the air while her facial expression clearly asks, “What the heck did I just do?”

“People are too flabbergasted to react or to run away or intervene,” said Marc Wellens, partner at Duval Guillaume. The ad agency ending up shooting the scene multiple times. “We did it like 11 times. So there are 11 people pushing the button, and from the best reactions we made a compilation,” said Mr Wellens.

The video has also received plenty of positive reviews and “likes” on YouTube. “They should do that in the States!” suggested 30deblanc.

One more user wrote: “This is the best thing I have ever seen in my life. I was crying from laughing haha.” “More people have watched this video than there are people in Belgium,” said decontaminate01.

As for the Volkswagen’s ad, which is still at the top of the list called “Most-shared ads ever”, featured a little boy dressed as Darth Vader. Mark Hunter, CCO of Deutsch LA, revealed that their wildly popular first ad “The Force” was a tough act to follow.

“The pressure is on because we did that great ad,” he explained. “We don’t mind. That’s what we’re in this business for.” According to Hunter, the agency came up with close to 200 script ideas before settling on the story in the video.

Source: adapted from


The sentence from the text “They should do that in the States! suggested 30deblanc”, in the reported speech is, 30deblanc suggested


that they should have done that in the States.


they should done that in the States.


(that) they have done that in the States.


that it should been in the States.


(that) they shouldn’t have done that in the States.

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